ÖZDEN FEED MACHINES - MILLING INDUSTRY - Özden Feed Mill Machines - Feed Factory Machinery Manufacturing, Flour Factory Machinery Manufacturing, Salt Factory Machinery Manufacturing - Plant Installation, Aspirator, Cebritav, Bagging Scale, Double Deck Roller, Garbage Purifier, Elevator, Semolina Purifier, Jet Filter, Husk Peeler, Square Sieve, Bran Brush, Control Panel, Screw Auger, Vibro Scanner, Trieur, Rotoflow, Stone Separator, Single Deck Roller, Pellet Press, Molasses, Hammer Mill, Mixer, Accessories
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Özden Food and Milling Machine

From Feed to Flour, Custom Solutions for Every Factory

Özden Feed Milling Machinery

Özden Food and Milling Machine

From Feed to Flour, Custom Solutions for Every Factory

Özden Feed Milling Machinery

Özden Food and Milling Machine

From Feed to Flour, Custom Solutions for Every Factory

Özden Feed Milling Machinery

Özden Food and Milling Machine

From Feed to Flour, Custom Solutions for Every Factory

Özden Feed Milling Machinery

Özden Food and Milling Machine

From Feed to Flour, Custom Solutions for Every Factory

Özden Feed Milling Machinery


»Pellet Press Conditioner


»Hammer Mill

»Air Jet Filter

»Drum Sieve



»Premix Unit

»Air Lock

Özden Food and Milling Machine
Özden Food and Milling Machine


Flood and Milling


Our company operates based on five fundamental principles: production with modern technology, manufacturing quality, after-sales service, spare parts supply, customer satisfaction, and professional ethics. Following these core principles, our company has quickly established itself as a prominent player in the industry, both in the domestic and international markets. Our main export destinations include North African countries such as Morocco, Algeria, Tunisia, Egypt, Syria, Balkan countries, and Turkic Republics including Azerbaijan and Kazakhstan.

Özden Food and Milling Machine

Feeder Of Hammer Mill

Özden Food and Milling Machine

Pneumatıc Gate

Özden Food and Milling Machine

Electronıc Baggıng Scale

Özden Food and Milling Machine

Pellet Press Conditioner

Özden Food and Milling Machine

Molasses Pump

Özden Food and Milling Machine

Pellet Press

Özden Food and Milling Machine

Feeding Screw Conveyor

Özden Food and Milling Machine

Crumbler Machine

Özden Food and Milling Machine

Tube Magnet

Özden Food and Milling Machine

Discharing Lift

Özden Food and Milling Machine

Hammer Mill

Özden Food and Milling Machine

Molasses Mixer

Özden Food and Milling Machine
Özden Food and Milling Machine


We Establish Turnkey Production Facilities Worldwide

We undertake the installation of Feed, Flour, and Salt Factories worldwide, providing comprehensive services from production to installation, and from installation to after-sales service and spare parts supply.

Özden Food and Milling Machine


We have been pioneers in the industry since 1993. We safely offer quality products to our customers in every field, from material selection to production mastery.

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İnviva Medya